BEYOND Podcast Ep. 230: 5 Ways To Maximize Your Profit Margins This Year

I'm Becky

The coach for moms called to business and host of the podcast BEYOND. I'm on a mission to help you grow as a person. 

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One of the keys to a profitable, sustainable business as a mom who doesn’t want to work 24/7? High profit margins. 

Too often, business owners are focused on overall revenue and sales and overlook ways to maximize profits. A “multiple six-figure business” sounds good on the outside, but if the reality is that only 10% is profit, it changes the value of that business. 

This year, I want to help you to make the most of your work time by maximizing profit.

On this episode, you’ll learn:

• What profit margins are

• Why a profit margin goal can be even more valuable than a revenue goal

• Two big mistakes entrepreneurs make that are stealing their profit

• 5 ways to maximize your profit margins this year

Much of what I’m sharing in this episode can be applied to personal finance goals just as easily as business goals, too.

Are you wanting to make 2023 a different kind of year? Let’s make it happen. Working together, you’ll get mindset support, weekly accountability plus business and marketing strategy – everything you need to build a life and business you don’t want to quit. Schedule your Next Step Call now to learn more.

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