Complaining comes so easily, so naturally, to us. We complain about the weather, how busy we are, the cost of gas, the customer service nightmare we had. We grumble about the economy, politics, in-laws, our kids, our jobs and our days. We complain about the noise; the silence; being too early or arriving too late; being too hot or too cold, not having enough or having too much. We complain about traffic, the disappointing movie we saw, the line at the DMV. The content for complaining is limitless, and here’s the thing – more often than not, complaining makes us feel even worse.
Why do we complain so much?
And at the same time, why do we hate being around people who chronically complain?
On this episode, you’ll learn:
• Why we love to complain so much
• The difference between complaining and venting
• How to know if you complain too much
• Strategies to reduce how much you complain
• The personal challenge that helped me complain less
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