BEYOND Podcast Ep. 258: How We Create Constant Problems for Ourselves (And How to Stop)

I'm Becky

The coach for moms called to business and host of the podcast BEYOND. I'm on a mission to help you grow as a person. 

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It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me.
Never have Taylor Swift lyrics felt more relevant in my work – because when it comes to the problems you face in your life, you're actually creating more of them than you realize.
Why? Our brains are wired to look for problems it views as a threat to our safety, comfort and well-being. It's why we default to looking toward the negative... why one critical comment in our direction carries more weight than 100 compliments.
With brains designed to solve and fix, we are focused on looking for problems. But that doesn't always mean it's in our best interest.

On this episode of BEYOND, we're talking about how we create constant problems for ourselves and how we can stop doing this. You'll learn:

• How to become less problem-focused and more solution-focused
• Why it can feel good in the moment to vent or complain, but isn't actually helpful
• 4 ways you're creating problems for yourself right now without realizing it
• 5 strategies for stopping the drama and creating constant problems for yourself
• Why cleaning up mind drama leads to more peace and freedom in your days
If you're ready to continue the conversation beyond the podcast, if you are ready for the combination of life support and business strategy you need in navigating the highs and lows as a mom and entrepreneur, I want to invite you to apply for 1:1 coaching. Working with me privately is kind of like having a business therapist, marketing strategist and personal trainer for your brain all-in-one.

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