BEYOND Podcast Ep. 302: Loosen Your Grip: Stop Trying to Control the Timeline

I'm Becky

The coach for moms called to business and host of the podcast BEYOND. I'm on a mission to help you grow as a person. 

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Ahhh, timing. How we love the idea that things can and "should" happen according to our our plans. We try so much to control this, and then – life happens.

The timeline and circumstances look different than we imagined. We wake up and realize that our reality is not what we imagined it would be. When it comes to life, motherhood and entrepreneurship, the timeline – the pathway to our goals – often looks different than what we expected.  

As human beings, we find comfort in control.

We like to know what to expect and when to expect it, AND we like to avoid pain and discomfort whenever possible.

To fill this need, we make plans. Sometimes, they unfold as we intend; often, they do not. How do we navigate this reality where we can make plans, we've been created with this ability to choose and decide, but ultimately, the timeline for our lives and businesses are beyond our control? This is what we're talking about on today's episode – the freedom that comes from trusting what you cannot control – including timing.

We're walking through what it looks like to have dreams and make plans, but to not grip them so tightly that we're closed off from other opportunities that might come our way. It's this balance of acknowledging what you'd love to see happen, while acknowledging that it may unfold differently than you expect.

On this episode of BEYOND, you'll learn:

• Why patience is a virtue as an entrepreneur
• The reason so many businesses don't make it to the one-year mark
• What it feels like to white-knuckle your way through life and business
• How my entire business journey has been a lesson in trusting the timing
• How to remove the burden of financial pressure from your business

Business can be as simple as focusing on just two things: your peace and your profit.

When life feels complicated, when business feels complicated, and you don't know where to begin when it comes to UNcomplicating it, it’s time to SIMPLIFY. High-profitability paired with high quality of life is the mission of my business, and it’s the focus of my partnership with clients inside SIMPLIFIED.

SIMPLIFIED is my high-touch, white-glove coaching and consulting intensive for creatives and coaches, and applications are currently closed. Join the waitlist and be the first to know when applications reopen:

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This is the podcast for moms called to business as creative entrepreneurs and coaches. Through mindset and strategy, I help you leverage your faith and your beliefs to get out of your own way so that you simplify, focus and build a business that serves you, your family and your clients well – a business run with integrity that creates both income and impact. Around here, we go beyond the surface and dive deep into what matters most. We talk about mindset, faith, motherhood, money, marketing, messaging and more. So much of why you were called to business is because of who you’re becoming along the way. As your coach, my job is to help you grow your business. My mission is to help you grow as a person.


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Helping moms called to business as creatives and coaches simplify life and business to focus on the two things that matter most: your peace and profit.